The project

Masterpieces in 100 KM

A real and virtual journey into the culture of Basilicata to learn about, preserve and enhance

The project coordinated by Istituto Centrale per il Restauro involved important museums and places in Basilicata, salient points of a network of cultural heritage to be known, protected and valorised; Matera, understood as a museum city, was included in this network.

An important segment of the PON project Masterpieces in 100 km consists of environmental monitoring; conducted in five different museums in the area, and at four temporary exhibitions included in the Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture programmes.

Matera’s two rupestrian churches of Santa Lucia alle Malve and San Pietro Barisano are places of great historical and artistic interest. Both characterised by painted and sculpted decorations, but subjected to peculiar conservation problems they share with other semi-hypogean sites in Matera.

Development of services for the transport and display of artistic artefacts from the museums of Basilicata to be realised with innovative systems for the management and handling of the elements, in relation to the priority aim of reducing vibrations.
